Last week I spent my Sunday filming my new music video 'Eyes Wide', ready for the re-release of the single. It was a very long day and arriving at Ragged Moon studios at 9am with a dreadful cold I can't seem to shift was not the best feeling in the world. However I think the excitement got us through the day and when finishing at 8:30pm there was an exhausted sigh of relief. My friends joined me and threw their instruments into the back of Niks' ambulance and boarded the now called 'Banter bus' where they spent the next couple of hours sitting in, eating biscuits and driving away from me as I ran down Rodborough Common. I think watching the video when it is released in April will give a clearer picture!
My cat decided to join us on set at one point although I don't think he was that happy about the idea as people with cameras was all a bit much for Snowball. Whether or not he will feature in the video I do not know, as he may have just looked like a nervous cat trying to escape. Probably not the best image to give!
It was a cold, cold day. Luckily fairly dry but when pretending it's summer and having to stand in shorts and a t-shirt, you start to realise just how cold February can be! Thankfully my mum was on hand with hot chocolate, a cup of soup and pizza, plus a roaring fire my brother built in the evening warmed us up a bit!
I am really excited for the release and the gigs that will go along side it, so do keep your 'eyes wide' for the dates and video!